Monday, March 18, 2013

Interview with Laura Davis.

Pieces of Interview with Laura Davis. To see the full interview go to

Laura: What is the hardest thing about writing for you?

Nikki: Staying on course from beginning to end and piecing the material together so that it flows, fits together well and makes perfect sense.

Laura: Which do you enjoy more - reading or writing?

Nikki: Writing – I feel the same as Anne Frank did – “I can shake off everything when I write. My sorrows disappear and my courage is reborn.”

Laura: What is your newest book about?

Nikki : Dancing Softly, released Nov. 14, 2012, is a story of hope and overcoming. It’s a story about the resilience of the human spirit and the touch of a gentle God. 

Laura: What inspired you to write this book?

Nikki: Pieces from my own past and things I’ve seen working as a social worker.  Dancing Softly is dedicated to Ashley Smith, a young woman who took her life at GrandValley Prison in Kitchner. Ashley’s crime – throwing crab apples at a postal worker. Ashley never should have been incarcerated. The system broke her spirit. And there are many woman in systems – mental health, nursing homes, penitentiaries, who are disempowered, bullied and treated as if they have little worth.

Laura: Is there a message in your book that you want your readers to grasp?

Nikki: Everyone’s life has value and purpose. And kindness is the highest form of wisdom. 

Laura: What is your favourite Scripture verse and why?

Nikki: John 1:5  ‘And the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness overcame it not.” I like this because  it reminds me that Light always trumps darkness.

If you would like to learn more about Dancing Softly or Nikki's books, visit her at

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